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A Meditation on Joy

Joy….what do you define it as? Google says it’s a feeling of great pleasure and/or happiness. Some say it's the feeling of exhilaration after youve finished a long run. Or maybe it's watching your kids play in the yard on a beautiful day. I think there are many ways and examples to, humanly, describe joy.

Recently, we finished a study on Philippians Chapter 1 in which Paul illustrates his joy in suffering for Christ. For if we are so blessed to suffer in His name and for His will, we should rejoice. This struck a chord in me. In a day where people are so offended at the slightest, and I mean slightest, inconvenience. I’m included in people. It’s me; hi. I’m the problem, it’s me.

For example, I went to make my cup of coffee this morning…I’m out of coffee. The HORROR! My whole day is ruined! I mean, it’s a little dramatic, but, embarrassingly enough, no too far from the way I felt. I want instant gratification. Conditioning at it’s finest. I have a device, that is always within my reach, fits in my pocket, and holds the answer to anything and everything. Recipes for dinner? Ask Siri. That song I heard in the car but don’t know the name of? Suggest it to Alexa, she can find it.Out of coffee, better order for delivery tomorrow. It’s pretty darn convenient.

Now, I love the advancement in technology as much as the next person, but, this study on Philippians has me thinking a little bit harder about my breakdown this morning over an empty Nespresso box. Paul was in a Roman prison, rejoicing in the fact that he was enduring suffering for the sake of Christ Jesus. For as long as he was living, regardless of the quality, he had the ability to spread the Gospel. Can I say that there has been a time in my life that I have been in such a low place, but maintained joy in the Lord? I’m not sure there are specific examples I can give here. I’m actually not sure I thought about suffering in this way until reading these words from Paul.

What a mindset that would be... to choose joy every day, even in times of suffering. Why can’t I? I, much like Paul, have the same ability to show others how great He is through my attitude, mindset, and actions, regardless of the situation. We can spread His kingdom every day! Every one of us! I don’t know about you, but this gives me a new hope and new purpose to focus on throughout my days.

So today I pray…

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today and thank you for the many blessings you’ve given me. Lord, thank you for the ability to suffer for you, that I may illustrate to others the power your Holy Spirit and word have within me. Lord, may I be an example for others today on choosing joy no matter the circumstance, for I know you are always with me, and your plan is greater than my own. Please, Lord, forgive me of my sins, guide me and my family and keep us safe. In Jesus name I ask these things,


I hope you have a great day!

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